Inception Workshop of the ADB TA Project “Mainstreaming Integrated Solid Waste Management in Selected Countries in Asia” under the Technical Assistance 8566-REG was held in Sri Lanka on 14th December 2015, at Taj Samudra Hotel. The Project is implemented by AECOM supported by EML. This TA is to assess current status of Solid Waste Management (SWM) in five case Study Cities in Asia including Sri Lanka. Main stakeholders including Central Environmental Authority, National Planning Department, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority, selected Municipal Councils, Ceylon Electricity Board, other Government and Private Sector Representatives participated at this workshop. The study covers institutional, regulatory, physical, environmental, social, financing, cost recovery and PPP aspects. From this study, recommendations will be developed for each city or cluster, including outline strategic objectives and milestones, likely investment levels and modalities (including PPP modalities), and sector support initiatives necessary to incrementally improve SWM service provision and effectively invite private investments. Given the space constraints to establish new waste management facilities, waste to energy technologies together with other solid waste treatment options are likely to be important aspect of SWM strategy.