Impact Assessment Study – Proposed Four Star Resort at Waskaduwa

Project : Impact Assessment Study – Proposed Four Star Resort at Waskaduwa

Donor : Citrus Leisure PLC

Client : Citrus Leisure PLC

The total land extent of the project site is 8 A 1 R and 2 P, totaling around 342,200 sq. ft. The building foot print encompasses an area of 124,312 sq ft, making the total built up foot print of the hotel to be 36% of the total land area at the project site. The main building is a four storied structure. The total floor area of the proposed buildings stands approximately at 284,500 sq ft. In addition several other structures such as a swimming pool, restaurants, car parks, minor staff accommodations will be established on the site. All the major construction work is proposed on land beyond the 40 m set back area specified by the CCD. No offshore structures (such as sea water intakes, outfalls, jetties, etc) will be built.

The EIA was carried out covering the physical, biological, socio economic as well as cultural issues that are projected to arise from such a project. The following areas were focused on, Line Agency consultation; Ecological Assessment; Socio Economic Assessment.

This information was used to assess the base line situation of the project. Baseline conditions were recorded, potential impacts were identified, and the preventive/mitigatory measures for any impacts that would surface via the project as well as measures to enhance the environment were provided. An environmental monitoring plan encompassing both constructional and operational phases was also produced.

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